New Round Up 2. Students' Book (+ CD-ROM)


New Round Up 2. Students' Book (+ CD-ROM)

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

Grammar can be fun! Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learner. Lessons provide a variety of games and written exercises and students will have plenty of opportunities for additional practice with the interactive student CD-ROM.

Оціни книгу:

Grammar can be fun! Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learner. Lessons provide a variety of games and written exercises and students will have plenty of opportunities for additional practice with the interactive student CD-ROM.

Grammar can be fun! Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learner. Lessons provide a variety of games and written exercises and students will have plenty of opportunities for additional practice with the interactive student CD-ROM.

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