Minecraft Combat Handbook


Minecraft Combat Handbook

Оціни книгу:

The Official Combat Handbook will teach you everything you need to know to defend yourself from hostile monsters and enemy players. Learn how to build a fort, craft armour and weapons, set mob traps, defeat your enemies in one-to-one combat, and battle your way out of the Nether and the End. With tips from many Minecraft experts, you’ll be a formidable Minecraft warrior in no time!

Оціни книгу:

The Official Combat Handbook will teach you everything you need to know to defend yourself from hostile monsters and enemy players. Learn how to build a fort, craft armour and weapons, set mob traps, defeat your enemies in one-to-one combat, and battle your way out of the Nether and the End. With tips from many Minecraft experts, you’ll be a formidable Minecraft warrior in no time!

The Official Combat Handbook will teach you everything you need to know to defend yourself from hostile monsters and enemy players. Learn how to build a fort, craft armour and weapons, set mob traps, defeat your enemies in one-to-one combat, and battle your way out of the Nether and the End. With tips from many Minecraft experts, you’ll be a formidable Minecraft warrior in no time!

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