My First Reading Library 50 Books Collection


My First Reading Library 50 Books Collection

Usborne Books
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The perfect selection to guide children through the first steps of reading - and there are 50 books to choose from!

The first 22 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading and include the phonics methods used in schools.

The next 12 books are taken from Usborne First Reading Level One. These delightful short stories are for children who are starting to enjoy reading for themselves.

The last 16 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading Level Two and are perfect for building reading confidence.

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The perfect selection to guide children through the first steps of reading - and there are 50 books to choose from!

The first 22 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading and include the phonics methods used in schools.

The next 12 books are taken from Usborne First Reading Level One. These delightful short stories are for children who are starting to enjoy reading for themselves.

The last 16 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading Level Two and are perfect for building reading confidence.

The perfect selection to guide children through the first steps of reading - and there are 50 books to choose from!

The first 22 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading and include the phonics methods used in schools.

The next 12 books are taken from Usborne First Reading Level One. These delightful short stories are for children who are starting to enjoy reading for themselves.

The last 16 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading Level Two and are perfect for building reading confidence.

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Online 4 years ago
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